These guys have been around

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Several Chinese newcomers have opened Chinese restaurants in rural Manitoba in the last decade in Winkler, Morden, and Pine Falls, and the Lion’s Cafe in Ste. Rose du Lac, said Eva Luk, an immigration lawyer specializing in Chinese immigration. Recently, Robert Jin, another business nominee from China, announced he is building a hemp processing plant in Gilbert Plains with the help of $5 million from Ottawa.”I think the government is seeing huge potential (from Chinese business people).

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He is a trustee of Alcoholics Anonymous, which was formed 80 years ago today, and passionately believes it is one of the best ways of helping addicts in their long term recovery. He said: “There is the support there, but sometimes people don’t know about it or perhaps they don’t want to turn to it and admit they do have a problem. AA is available 24 hours a day and is confidential and it works.

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