How Quickly Can You Save Your Down Payment?

How Quickly Can You Save Your Down Payment? | MyKCM

Saving for a down payment is often the biggest hurdle for a first-time homebuyer. Depending on where you live, median income, median rents, and home prices all vary. So, we set out to find out how long it would take to save for a down payment in each state.

Using data from HUDCensus and Apartment List, we determined how long it would take, nationwide, for a first-time buyer to save enough money for a down payment on their dream home. There is a long-standing ‘rule’ that a household should not pay more than 28% of their income on their monthly housing expense.

By determining the percentage of income spent renting in each state, and the amount needed for a 10% down payment, we were able to establish how long (in years) it would take for an average resident to save enough money to buy a home of their own.

According to the data, residents in Kansas can save for a down payment the quickest, doing so in just over 1 year (1.12). Below is a map that was created using the data for each state:

How Quickly Can You Save Your Down Payment? | MyKCM

What if you only needed to save 3%?

What if you were able to take advantage of one of Freddie Mac’s or Fannie Mae’s 3%-down programs? Suddenly, saving for a down payment no longer takes 2 to 5 years, but becomes possible in less than a year in most states, as shown on the map below.

How Quickly Can You Save Your Down Payment? | MyKCM

Bottom Line

Whether you have just begun to save for a down payment or have been saving for years, you may be closer to your dream home than you think! Let’s get together to help you evaluate your ability to buy today.

The Winter Market May Be Good For Buyers

Typically, spring and summer are thought of as the prime times to buy or sell a home. There are a number of reasons for this, including weather and the end of the school year. But whatever the reason, there are usually more homes for sale and more active buyers during what is typically the busiest sales season. Fall and winter, on the other hand, are the time of the year when the housing market slows down. The approaching holidays and colder temperatures across much of the country mean fewer Americans are in the mood for a move. But that can mean opportunities for buyers who are. A recent analysis looked at the country’s largest metro areas and compared typical affordability levels, projected rent increases, and the share of listings with a price cut to determine where buyers might have the best chances in the coming months. The results showed conditions in hot markets like Orlando, Boston, Seattle, and Las Vegas are becoming more favorable as the end of the year approaches. That means, interested buyers may be in a better position this fall and winter than they will be next spring when things begin to heat back up. More here.

Homes For Sale Stay On The Market Longer

During the spring and summer, homes for sale were selling fast. So fast that the typical home was on the market less than a month. And while home buyers should still expect desirable homes to go quickly, there may be some relief in sight. That’s because, new numbers from the National Association of Realtors show that the majority of homes are now on the market more than a month. In fact, properties typically sold in 32 days in September, an improvement over August when homes moved in just 29 days. Lawrence Yun, NAR’s chief economist, says a trend may be developing. “There is a clear shift in the market with another month of rising inventory on a year over year basis, though seasonal factors are leading to a third straight month of declining inventory,” Yun said. “Homes will take a bit longer to sell compared to the super-heated fast pace seen earlier this year.” At the current sales pace, there is a 4.4-month supply of available homes for sale. A 6-month supply is generally considered a healthy market. More here.

Fewer Home Buyers Making Offers Sight Unseen

No one wants to make big decisions hastily. It’s a great way to make mistakes and end up with regrets. Which is why, in an ideal situation, home buyers would have time to consider the pros and cons of multiple houses and choose the one that best fits their needs and wishlist. Unfortunately, in a competitive market, that’s not always possible. And so, buyers have to be prepared and ready to make an offer when they see a house they like. The good news is, now that inventory is beginning to rise and houses are staying on the market longer, home buyers have more time to weigh their decision. In fact, according to a recent survey, the number of buyers who made an offer on a house without seeing it first has fallen 15 percent since late last year. This is a good indication that buyers are feeling some relief and aren’t feeling pressured to move as quickly as they were when inventory was tighter. But though this is encouraging news for potential buyers, it doesn’t mean the market isn’t competitive. If you’re interested in purchasing a home any time soon, it’s still best to do your homework, be prepared, prequalified, and ready to make an offer when you find a house you like. More here.

Most Homeowners Say They Love Their House

Sometimes picking a house to buy can cause anxiety. After all, what if you choose the wrong one and aren’t happy living there? What if there are structural or mechanical issues that go undetected and will end up meaning costly renovations? It’s hard to imagine that you could possibly cover all the potential issues in just a few walkthroughs. And so, it’s natural to worry about buyer’s remorse. But, according to a new survey, you might be worrying yourself unnecessarily. That’s because, the results show an overwhelming majority of respondents said they love their current home. In fact, 83 percent of participants said they were happy in their house. To some degree, the responses fell along demographic lines, with people 55 years or older and retirees being the most likely groups to say they love their home and have no plans to move. Respondents between 18 and 34 were more likely to want to move. There were also regional differences. For example, residents in Boston and Detroit were more likely to say they like their current home and would rather renovate than move, while the survey found Los Angeles residents were the most likely to say they’d prefer a new house. More here.

Number Of Homes For Sale Sees Big Gain

Affordability is always a top concern for people thinking about buying a house. Of course, there are other factors that are important when deciding whether or not to move. But what you can or can’t afford may be the biggest. After all, if you don’t have enough for a down payment or couldn’t keep up with the mortgage on a new place, it doesn’t really matter how close to the office it is or in what school district. That’s why a new report from the National Association of Realtors’ consumer website is good news for prospective home buyers. The report shows that the number of homes for sale saw it’s largest year-over-year gain in five years. Why’s this important? Well, in today’s market, the rate of home price increases is being driven by the fact that there are too few homes for sale. In other words, since there are more buyers than homes, sellers can demand a higher price. But as more homes become available, buyers will have more choices and price increases will begin to slow. The fact that inventory is up 8 percent over the year before and showing signs of additional gains means there may be relief on the way for buyers worried that they won’t be able to find a home they like or one in their price range. More here.

Economy Has Americans Thinking About Buying

Deciding to buy a house is mainly a money decision. You either feel secure enough financially to make a move or you don’t. This helps explain the current real estate market. After all, survey after survey shows Americans think home prices and mortgage rates are moving higher and making it less affordable to buy. And yet, home buying demand remains high. Why? Well, mostly because, at the same time, people also feel more secure in their jobs and money due to a stronger economy and job market. Take Fannie Mae’s most recent Home Purchase Sentiment Index as an example. The survey found a rising number of respondents who said it was a good time to buy a home, despite increasing numbers who also say they believe mortgage rates and prices will continue to rise. Doug Duncan, Fannie Mae’s senior vice president and chief economist, says the economy explains it. “Downside risk to housing is limited by broader economic strength, which helped boost perceptions of current home buying conditions,” Duncan said. “For consumers who say now is a good time to buy, the share citing overall economic conditions as a reason rose to a survey high.” More here.

Green Features Add Value To Homes

In order for a home to be considered truly green, there are six elements it needs to contain, according to the Appraisal Institute, a professional association of real estate appraisers. These include water efficiency, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, materials, and operations and maintenance. Put simply, to retrofit a home to meet those standards would require a lot of work. But that doesn’t mean you can’t improve your home’s performance through smaller measures. And Appraisal Institute president, James L. Murrett, says, if you do, you’ll not only be able to lower your bills but you may also be able to sell your house for more when the time comes. “The latest research shows that green and energy-efficient home improvements have the potential to pay dividends for buyers and sellers,” Murrett says. “However, it depends on the improvements made. Some green renovations, such as adding Energy Star appliances and extra insulation, are likely to pay the homeowner back in lowered utility bills relatively quickly.” Whether you’re searching for a home to buy or thinking about selling one, a home’s efficiency and performance is an important factor to consider. More here.

Which Cities Have The Country’s Biggest Houses?

When looking for a house to buy, you aren’t necessarily always looking for the biggest house. After all, the size of the home you choose will be determined, in part, by things like the size of your family, storage needs, how many bathrooms and bedrooms, etc. Mostly, though, it’ll be determined by your budget. Because, when it comes down to it, we all would like a little more space. For that reason, a recent study looked at the largest 45 cities in the country and calculated the median home size and cost per square foot, in an effort to figure out which cities have the biggest homes and which give buyers the most space for the best price. The results show that the South has the biggest homes, with three of the top five cities located in Texas. In fact, Houston was the city with the largest median home size at 1,952 square feet, with Atlanta, Washington DC, Dallas, and Austin rounding out the top five. Southern cities also tend to have a lower price per square foot. For example, while Houston has the biggest homes, the median price per square foot was $100. By comparison, cities like San Francisco, Boston, and Denver have smaller homes but higher prices, mostly due to the fact that the housing stock in those areas is older. More here.