Where To Look To Eliminate Household Odors

Your sense of smell can be a peculiar thing. Odors that overwhelm some people, don’t affect others. And odors that you’re accustom to seem to disappear altogether after a while. So it’s no surprise that homeowners might worry that their home may be giving off an unpleasant scent. And, during the holidays, this becomes even more of a concern, as it’s a popular time of year to have houseguests. Fortunately, there are some fairly common places you can target to ensure that you’ve eliminated any odors that may be going undetected. One of the more obvious targets is pets. If you have animals in your home, make sure you clean their favorite places, pillows, beds, and blankets, etc. Basements and bedding are also common places for odors to linger. Mold and mildew can cause mustiness in basement areas but can also be detected by sight, which makes addressing it even easier. Be sure also to keep your bedding clean and your mattress fresh. Another obvious spot to check for odors is your refrigerator and freezer. Check that there’s no grime, grit, or leftovers lurking in the back that are emitting odors. Overall, paying some regular attention to these hot spots can help remove any worry about how your home smells to holiday house guests or, if you’re selling your home, potential buyers. More here.

Housing Sentiment Cools Heading Into Fall

There are many reasons autumn is a good time to buy a house. But, because spring and summer are traditionally seen as the best seasons for home shoppers, the housing market often cools in the months following its busiest season. Evidence of this can be found in Fannie Mae’s most recent Home Purchase Sentiment Index. The index – which asks Americans for their feelings about buying and selling homes, mortgage rates, home prices, etc. – reached an all-time high in September but saw a decline in October. In short, fewer Americans feel now is a good time to buy or sell a house. But that’s normal, according to Fannie Mae’s chief economist, Doug Duncan. “The modest decrease in October’s Home Purchase Sentiment Index is driven in large part by decreases in favorable views of the current home-buying and home-selling climates, a shift we expect at this time of year moving out of the summer home-buying season,” Duncan said. “Indicators of broader economic and personal financial sentiment remain relatively steady.” In other words, because Americans generally feel better about their economic security, the dip in sentiment is likely to be temporary. More here.