What Style Of House Do You Prefer?

Most regions offer house hunters a variety of architectural styles to choose from. Whether you prefer bungalows to ranches or modern over contemporary, you can likely find something that fits your preference. But, according to one recent survey, what you’re looking for might depend on your age. That’s because the results show millennial home buyers are looking for a different kind of home than older buyers. For example, younger buyers expressed a preference for colonial and contemporary homes, when they had a preference at all. On the other hand, buyers over the age of 55 were much more interested in finding a ranch – which is an architectural style favored by only 6 percent of millennials. Of course, some of this has to do with practicalities – such as retirees in search of a one-story home because it eliminates any concern about future mobility and navigating stairs – but it’s also a question of personal taste and aesthetics. Ultimately, though, whatever type of house Americans say they prefer, they generally all say they want that house to have ample storage, a garage, and multiple bedrooms. More here.

The Neighborhood Feature Buyers Want At Any Age

The factors that influence a home buyer’s decision to buy a particular house in a particular neighborhood are very similar across demographic groups. After all, our lives are more similar than they are different. We all want to live in a safe neighborhood with access to things we want and need, like recreation and health care providers. However, depending on the age of the buyer, there are some are other neighborhood features, like schools, that may appeal more to a younger home buyer than an older one. For that reason, the National Association of Realtors’ Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends study takes an annual look at who’s buying homes, what kind of homes, and for what reasons. Lawrence Yun, NAR’s chief economist, says the results show there is one factor that appeals to buyers of all ages. “The sense of community and wanting friends and family nearby is a major factor for many home buyers of all ages,” Yun said. “Similar to Gen X buyers who have their parents living at home, millennial buyers with kids may seek the convenience of having family nearby to help raise their family.” In short, proximity to family and friends was important to buyers of all ages, whether they were millennials or baby boomers. More here.

Nearly 60% Of Homeowners Plan Home Improvements

If you’re a homeowner, you know the to-do list is never ending. And, if you’re a buyer, you’ll know soon enough. That’s because, owning a home means maintaining a home. Proof of that can be seen in the fifth annual LightStream Home Improvement Survey. According to the results, 58 percent of surveyed homeowners say they’re planning to spend money on home improvement projects in 2018. And the number who said they plan on spending $35,000 or more has doubled from last year. But though there are more homeowners planning projects this year, the list of projects hasn’t changed all that much. Once again, outdoor upgrades remain the most popular, with decks, patios, and landscape projects topping the list. Kitchen and bathroom remodels, of course, also rank high, coming second and third on Americans’ home improvement, to-do list. So how are these homeowners planning on paying for all these upgrades and renovations? Well, the vast majority said they were paying for their projects out of savings. However, another way homeowners are saving on their home improvement bills is by doing, at least, some of the work themselves. More here

Conditions Are Ripe For Spring Home Buyers

As the spring home buying season approaches, there are many moving parts analysts and experts look at to determine how home buyers and sellers might fare. Economic growth, the job market, interest rates, home prices, buyer demand, and inventory are just some of the factors that will determine how many hopeful home buyers find new homes this year. According to one outlook – from Fannie Mae’s Economic and Strategic Research Group – conditions are good for buyers, except for one specific, long-standing obstacle. “We don’t expect rates to play much of a role in total home sales, especially with anticipated stronger disposable household income growth,” Doug Duncan, Fannie Mae’s chief economist, said. “The ongoing inventory shortages should constrain sales despite otherwise ripe home buying conditions.” In other words, though mortgage rates may inch upward this year, so will household income. That leaves inventory as the main challenge to buyers this spring. With fewer homes for sale, there will be more competition and pressure on prices. More here.

Bedroom Communities Top List Of Safest Cities

A “bedroom community” refers to a suburb outside a major metropolis where the majority of residents commute to the city for work. These town have a number of characteristics that identify them but, according to new research from NeighborhoodScout, they are also known for safety. In fact, these suburban cities topped their most recent list of the nation’s safest cities. Andrew Schiller, CEO of NeighborhoodScout, says bedroom communities combine features that are attractive to home buyers. “We continue to see bedroom communities, which are within large metro areas and near major urban centers like Boston, Chicago, and New York, make the top of our list,” Schiller says. “These safe communities within the urban/suburban fabric of America’s largest metropolitan areas often combine access to high-paying jobs in the urban center, decent schools, and a high quality of life. This access to opportunity increases home values, with the result often being lower crime.” Cities in the Northeast topped the list, including Ridgefield, CT, which was named the country’s safest city. More here.

Buyer Basics: What Matters Most To Men Vs. Women

If you’re buying a house – rather than having one built to your specifications – you’re going to have to compromise. You’re probably not going to find everything on your wish list in one house, and certainly not in a home that also just happens to be perfectly in your price range. Which is to say, the home buying process will force you to make decisions about what matters most to you and what you would like but can live without. How you make these decisions will be based, in part, on your particular needs and goals but, according to one recent survey, it may also be based on gender. That’s because, when asked which home features mattered most to them, men and women had slightly different opinions. For example, the number of bedrooms in a home is nearly 7 percent more important to women than men. So is being close to good schools, which was 6.6 percent more important to women. On the other hand, the inclusion of exterior maintenance was 5.1 percent more important to men than women. Whatever the case, spending some time thinking about what home features matter most to you before heading out house hunting will make you a better prepared, and more decisive, buyer. More here.