Is A Bigger House Within Your Budget?

Is A Bigger House Within Your Budget? | MyKCM


At this time of year, many families come together to celebrate the season. It’s also the time when many realize their homes are just not quite big enough to host all of their guests and loved ones. Are you one of those homeowners dreaming for a larger space to call home?

You may have enough equity in your current home to move up.

According to the Q3 2019 U.S. Home Equity & Underwater Report by ATTOM Data Solutions,

“14.4 million residential properties in the United States were considered equity rich, meaning that the combined estimated amount of loans secured by those properties was 50 percent or less of their estimated market value.”

This means that one in four of the 54 million mortgaged homes in the U.S. have at least 50% equity. If these homeowners decide to sell, they can use their equity to put toward the purchase of a new home. Maybe you’ll be one of them.

NAR recently released their 2019 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers showing that,

“This year, home sellers cited that they sold their homes for a median of $60,000 more than they purchased it, up from $55,500 the year prior. This accounted for a 31 percent price gain, up from 29 percent the year before.”

Here’s the equity gain breakdown based on the number of years these sellers lived in their homesIs A Bigger House Within Your Budget? | MyKCM

Bottom Line

If you’re one of the many homeowners with big dreams of owning a larger home, let’s get together. Working with a trusted advisor to find out how much equity you have is a great first step in putting your move-up plan in motion.

3 Powerful Reasons to Buy a Home Now

3 Powerful Reasons to Buy a Home Now | MyKCM

Whether you are a first-time buyer or looking to move up to the home of your dreams, now is a great time to purchase a home. Here are three major reasons to buy today.

1. Affordability

Many people focus solely on price when talking about home affordability. Since home prices have appreciated throughout the past year, they assume homes are less affordable. However, affordability is determined by three components:

  • Price
  • Wages
  • Mortgage Interest Rate

Prices are up, but so are wages – and interest rates have recently dropped dramatically (see #2 below). As a result, the National Association of Realtors’ (NAR) latest Affordability Index report revealed that homes are MORE affordable throughout the country today than they were a year ago.

“All four regions saw an increase in affordability from a year ago. The South had the biggest gain in affordability of 6.9%, followed by the West with a gain of 6.0%. The Midwest had an increase of 5.8%, followed by the Northeast with the smallest gain of 1.8%.”

2. Mortgage Interest Rates

Mortgage rates have dropped almost a full point after heading toward 5% last fall and early winter. Currently, they are below 4%.
3 Powerful Reasons to Buy a Home Now | MyKCMAdditionally, Fannie Mae recently predicted the average rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage will be 3.7% in the second half of 2019. That compares to a 4.4% average rate in the first quarter and 4% in the second quarter.

With mortgage rates remaining near historic lows, Fannie Mae and others have increased their forecasts for housing appreciation for the rest of the year. If home price gains are about to re-accelerate, buying now rather than later makes financial sense.

3. Increase Family Wealth

Homeownership has always been recognized as a sensational way to build long-term family wealth. A new report by ATTOM Data Solutions reveals:

“U.S. homeowners who sold in the second quarter of 2019 realized an average home price gain since purchase of $67,500, up from an average gain of $57,706 in Q1 2019 and up from an average gain of $60,100 in Q2 2018. The average home seller gain of $67,500 in Q2 2019 represented an average 33.9 percent return as a percentage of original purchase price.”

The longer you delay purchasing a home, the longer you are waiting to put the power of home equity to work for you.

Bottom Line

With affordability increasing, mortgage rates decreasing, and home values about to re-accelerate, it may be time to make a move. Let’s get together to determine if buying now makes sense for your family.

Know What to Expect at Your Home Inspection

Know What to Expect at Your Home Inspection | MyKCM

So you made an offer and it was accepted. Now, your next task is to have the home inspected prior to closing. Agents oftentimes make your offer contingent on a clean home inspection.

This contingency allows you to renegotiate the price you paid for the home, ask the sellers to cover repairs, or in some cases, to walk away. Your agent can advise you on the best course of action once the report is filed.

How to Choose an Inspector

Your agent will most likely have a short list of inspectors that they have worked with in the past that they can recommend to you. HGTV recommends that you consider the following five areas when choosing the right home inspector for you:

1. Qualifications – find out what’s included in your inspection and if the age or location of your home may warrant specific certifications or specialties.

2. Sample Reports – ask for a sample inspection report so you can review how thoroughly they will be inspecting your dream home. In most cases, the more detailed the report, the better.

3. References – do your homework – ask for phone numbers and names of past clients who you can call to ask about their experiences.

4. Memberships – Not all inspectors belong to a national or state association of home inspectors, and membership in one of these groups should not be the only way to evaluate your choice. Membership in one of these organizations often means that continued training and education are provided.

5. Errors & Omission Insurance – Find out what the liability of the inspector or inspection company is once the inspection is over. The inspector is only human, after all, and it is possible that they might have missed something they should have seen.

Ask your inspector if it’s okay for you to tag along during the inspection. That way they can point out anything that should be addressed or fixed.

Don’t be surprised to see your inspector climbing on the roof or crawling around in the attic and on the floors. The job of the inspector is to protect your investment and find any issues with the home, including but not limited to: the roof, plumbing, electrical components, appliances, heating & air conditioning systems, ventilation, windows, the fireplace and chimney, the foundation, and so much more!

Bottom Line

They say, ‘ignorance is bliss,’ but not when investing your hard-earned money into a home of your own. Work with a professional who you can trust to give you the most information possible about your new home so that you can make the most educated decision about your purchase.

Are Low Interest Rates Here to Stay?

Are Low Interest Rates Here to Stay? | MyKCM

Interest rates for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage have been on the decline since November, now reaching lows last seen in January 2018. According to Freddie Mac’s latest Primary Mortgage Market Survey, rates came in at 4.12% last week!

This is great news for anyone who is planning on buying a home this spring! Freddie Mac had this to say,

“Mortgage interest rates have been steadily declining since the start of 2019. These lower mortgage interest rates combined with a strong labor market should attract prospective homebuyers this spring and could help the housing sector regain its momentum later in the year.”

To put the low rates in perspective, the average for 2018 was 4.6%! The chart below shows the recent drop, and also shows where the experts at Freddie Mac believe rates will be by the end of 2019.

Are Low Interest Rates Here to Stay? | MyKCM

Bottom Line

If you plan on buying a home this year, let’s get together to start your home search to ensure you can lock in these historically low rates today!

Number Of Homes For Sale Sees Big Gain

Affordability is always a top concern for people thinking about buying a house. Of course, there are other factors that are important when deciding whether or not to move. But what you can or can’t afford may be the biggest. After all, if you don’t have enough for a down payment or couldn’t keep up with the mortgage on a new place, it doesn’t really matter how close to the office it is or in what school district. That’s why a new report from the National Association of Realtors’ consumer website is good news for prospective home buyers. The report shows that the number of homes for sale saw it’s largest year-over-year gain in five years. Why’s this important? Well, in today’s market, the rate of home price increases is being driven by the fact that there are too few homes for sale. In other words, since there are more buyers than homes, sellers can demand a higher price. But as more homes become available, buyers will have more choices and price increases will begin to slow. The fact that inventory is up 8 percent over the year before and showing signs of additional gains means there may be relief on the way for buyers worried that they won’t be able to find a home they like or one in their price range. More here.

Green Features Add Value To Homes

In order for a home to be considered truly green, there are six elements it needs to contain, according to the Appraisal Institute, a professional association of real estate appraisers. These include water efficiency, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, materials, and operations and maintenance. Put simply, to retrofit a home to meet those standards would require a lot of work. But that doesn’t mean you can’t improve your home’s performance through smaller measures. And Appraisal Institute president, James L. Murrett, says, if you do, you’ll not only be able to lower your bills but you may also be able to sell your house for more when the time comes. “The latest research shows that green and energy-efficient home improvements have the potential to pay dividends for buyers and sellers,” Murrett says. “However, it depends on the improvements made. Some green renovations, such as adding Energy Star appliances and extra insulation, are likely to pay the homeowner back in lowered utility bills relatively quickly.” Whether you’re searching for a home to buy or thinking about selling one, a home’s efficiency and performance is an important factor to consider. More here.

More Americans Think Now’s The Time To Sell

Nearly 80% of Americans say now is a good time to sell a house, according to a recent survey from the National Association of Realtors. This may be good news for buyers. These days, there are more home buyers than there are homes for sale, which is the primary factor causing prices to rise. But rising prices have also caused homeowners to think about the benefits of selling their home. And, if the results of the NAR’s Housing Opportunities and Market Experience survey are any indication, a growing number of them are beginning to consider putting their home on the market. If so, it’ll help provide additional choices for home buyers while also slowing the rate at which prices move upward. Lawrence Yun, NAR’s chief economist, says he believes American homeowners were waiting to see if the gains got any better before making a decision. “With prices having risen so quickly, many consumers were deciding to wait to list their homes hoping to see additional price and equity gains,” Yun said. “However, with indications that buyers are beginning to pull out, price gains are going to decelerate and potential sellers are considering that now is a good time to list and bring more properties to the market.” More here.

Financial Security Boosts Housing Sentiment

It’s said that there are two sides to every story. But there are also two sides to the calculations potential home buyers undergo when deciding whether or not it’s a good time for them to look for a new house. After all, buyers have to take into consideration the cost of homes in the areas they’re looking to live but also their own financial security. That’s why Fannie Mae’s most recent Home Purchase Sentiment Index is encouraging. Because, though Americans have concerns about housing affordability, they are feeling confident financially and secure in their jobs. In fact, the number of survey respondents who said they aren’t concerned about losing their job rose 15 percent over the month before and those reporting that their income is higher than it was 12 months earlier hit a new survey high. Doug Duncan, Fannie Mae’s chief economist, says Americans are feeling the effects of a stronger economy. “Consumers are attuned to the divergence between the slowing housing market and strong macro economy,” Duncan said. “Consumers were less optimistic this month about both home buying and home selling conditions, while perceptions of income growth and confidence about job security are at survey highs.” More here.

Housing Health A Decade After The Crash

Following the housing crash and financial crisis, there was talk that Americans may stop aspiring to homeownership and would no longer see the housing market as a sound investment and reliable creator of wealth. After all, homeowners who saw the values of their homes plummet might become leery and those who hadn’t yet bought a home may’ve considered themselves lucky. And yet, a decade down the road, the market has largely recovered and demand from buyers is running high. Lawrence Yun, the National Association of Realtors’ chief economist, says that is thanks to reforms enacted after the crash. “Over the past 10 years, prudent policy reforms and consumer protections have strengthened lending standards and eliminated loose credit, as evidenced by the higher than normal credit scores of those who are able to obtain a mortgage and near record-low defaults and foreclosures, which contributed to the last recession,” Yun says. And it’s true. Today, market conditions are fueled, not by a lack of a demand, but by a lack of enough homes to meet the high level of demand. Fortunately, Yun sees even more improvement on the horizon. In fact, his forecast for the next year includes rising inventory, moderating price growth, and more home sales as affordability conditions ease and make homeownership even more attractive to prospective buyers. More here.