Homeownership Seen As Path To Financial Security

There’s no shortage of opinions, these days. Which means, you’ve probably heard varying viewpoints on whether or not buying a house is really a smart investment. Especially following the housing crash, it became more popular to say that buying a home may not, in fact, be a better financial choice than renting. But despite the debate, recent research shows that the vast majority of Americans still see homeownership as a path to increased financial security. For example, a recent survey from NeighborWorks found 81 percent of all adults and 71 percent of millennials believe owning a home is good for financial stability. Among the reasons this remains true is the fact that, unlike rent, your monthly mortgage payment is actually buying you an increasing percentage of ownership in your home. As you build up a larger share of ownership and your equity increases, so does your net worth – making homeownership an excellent way of investing in something long term while also enjoying the immediate benefits. More here.

How To Make Buying A House Less Complicated

When asked, Americans overwhelmingly say they value homeownership and believe it increases financial stability. In fact, one recent survey found 93 percent of respondents said they felt that homeownership was an important part of the American dream. Still, despite their desire to buy and own a home, many Americans hesitate before pursuing their dream of becoming homeowners. And while there are many reasons for this, one of them is misconceptions about the home buying process. NeighborWorks America’s fifth annual national housing survey, for example, found a growing number of respondents who say the home buying process is confusing. According to the results, 74 percent of adults said they strongly or somewhat agree that “the home buying process is complicated.” That’s up from 67 percent last year. What accounts for the increase is anybody’s guess but it reinforces the fact that prospective buyers should make choosing a reputable lender and real estate agent among the first steps they take after deciding to buy a home. Working with experienced professionals will demystify the buying process and help you navigate the ins-and-outs of purchasing a house. More here

End of Summer Tee Shirt Meet Up

Tee shirt event

Parker Scott Properties Tee shirt Meet Up Was a Testimonial to PSP’s Teamwork; A Real Estate Family with Good Core Values, Professionalism, Hard Work & Smart Thinking!

Thank To Our PSP Team for an Evening of Relaxing & Mingling & a Fantastic Season!

Congratulation to our Tee Shirt Winners! Julia Hoffmann, Patty Zettler, and guest Jennifer Campbell!

Training to Empower Our Agents to Realize Their Dreams & Have the Tools Necessary to Achieve Their Goals!

https://www.facebook.com/events/587280234778082/  Wednesday, August 24 at 5 PM – 8 PM

Bring or better yet WEAR a T-shirt with an interesting design, memory or story!
Bring or better yet WEAR a T-shirt with an interesting design, memory or story!

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