A Great Way to Increase Your Family’s Net Worth

A Great Way to Increase Your Family’s Net Worth | MyKCM

Every three years, the Federal Reserve conducts its Survey of Consumer Finances. Data is collected across all economic and social groups. The latest survey data covers 2013-2016.

The study revealed that the median net worth of a homeowner is $231,400 – a 15% increase since 2013. At the same time, the median net worth of renters decreased by 5% ($5,200 today compared to $5,500 in 2013).

These numbers reveal that the net worth of a homeowner is over 44 times greater than that of a renter.

Owning a home is a great way to build family wealth.

As we’ve said before, simply put, homeownership is a form of ‘forced savings.’ Every time you pay your mortgage, you are contributing to your net worth by increasing the equity in your home.

That is why Gallup reported Americans picked real estate as the best long-term investment for the sixth year in a row. According to this year’s results, 35% of Americans chose real estate. Stocks followed at 27%, then savings accounts and gold.

Bottom Line

If you want to find out how you can use your monthly housing cost to increase your family’s wealth, let’s get together to help you through the process.

How to Put Your Housing Cost to Work for You

How to Put Your Housing Cost to Work for You | MyKCM

There has been a lot written about the benefits of homeownership. One benefit that continues to rise to the top is the added wealth homeowners gain simply by paying their mortgage while their home increases in value over time.

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) recently broke down the equity gained from price appreciation and principal payments in their Economists Outlook Blog. Homeowners who purchased their homes five years ago have already gained almost $80,000 in equity over that time with 80% of the gains coming from price appreciation.

For a homeowner who purchased their home 30 years ago, they have gained nearly $250,000 in equity with 70% coming from price increases. The full results can be seen in the chart below.

How to Put Your Housing Cost to Work for You | MyKCM

According to the Home Price Expectation Survey, a family who purchased a median priced home this January can expect to gain more than $42,000 over the next five years simply from price appreciation alone.

Bottom Line

Your home is one of the only investments you can live inside as you pay it off over time. If you are ready to use your housing costs to build wealth, let’s get together to discuss how to make your dream a reality.

Homeowner Equity Continues To Increase

When you buy a house, you’re not just purchasing a place to live. You’re also making an investment in the real estate market. Which means, as your home’s value grows, so does your equity. Equity, of course, refers to the amount a property is worth minus the amount still owed on the mortgage. Put simply, if your equity is growing, that’s good news. Which is why new numbers from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System are encouraging. That’s because they show homeowner equity on the rise. In fact, the total value of homeowner equity has increased $1.2 trillion over the past year and reached $14.4 trillion in the fourth quarter of last year. In short, that means homeowners are seeing the value of their homes, and their investment, grow. Whether you’re a current homeowner or are about to become one, this is a positive sign – as it indicates that the real estate market is strengthening and offering Americans a good opportunity to find a place they can, not only call home, but also a good financial decision. More here.