How Much Does Your Neighborhood Matter?

When you buy a house, you’re also buying the surrounding neighborhood. And, depending on your lifestyle and wishlist, the neighborhood may be even more important to you than the actual home you’re buying. After all, most of your life happens outside your home. So your proximity to schools, shopping, healthcare, recreation, and nature will have a large effect on how much you enjoy living in a particular house. In short, finding your dream house in the wrong neighborhood could make it a nightmare. Unconvinced? Well, a recent survey of Americans found large majorities who said the feel of a neighborhood was important when deciding where to live. In fact, 80 percent said the surrounding neighborhood had to fit their personality and an almost equal amount said they’d consider moving if they found they didn’t like their new neighborhood. In other words, when shopping for a new house, be sure to spend as much time considering the area around it as you do the areas inside it. It could even work out to be a better idea to find a smaller house in a great location than a big house somewhere you may grow to dislike. More here.

Are Home Price Increases Beginning To Slow?

Home prices have been increasing for some time now. Largely this is because, in many markets, there are more interested buyers than there are homes available for sale. Inventory shortages can cause more competition for the homes that are for sale, which leads to spiking prices and decreasing affordability conditions. This, of course, has been a concern for potential home buyers. But, according to new research, there may be reason to believe that the rate at which home prices have been increasing is beginning to slow. For example, the most recent Home Price Index from Black Knight Financial shows the rate of monthly price appreciation declined one third from the month before in September. That was the sixth consecutive month of slowing growth. Also, half of the nation’s 20 largest states and 17 of the biggest metro areas saw home prices fall last month. If this trend continues, it could be encouraging news for home buyers hoping to buy a house this winter or those looking toward a spring home purchase. More here.

End of Summer Tee Shirt Meet Up

Tee shirt event

Parker Scott Properties Tee shirt Meet Up Was a Testimonial to PSP’s Teamwork; A Real Estate Family with Good Core Values, Professionalism, Hard Work & Smart Thinking!

Thank To Our PSP Team for an Evening of Relaxing & Mingling & a Fantastic Season!

Congratulation to our Tee Shirt Winners! Julia Hoffmann, Patty Zettler, and guest Jennifer Campbell!

Training to Empower Our Agents to Realize Their Dreams & Have the Tools Necessary to Achieve Their Goals!  Wednesday, August 24 at 5 PM – 8 PM

Bring or better yet WEAR a T-shirt with an interesting design, memory or story!
Bring or better yet WEAR a T-shirt with an interesting design, memory or story!

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