Saving A Down Payment May Be Easier Than You Think

Saving for a down payment is one of the biggest obstacles first-time home buyers face. While repeat buyers can use the sale of their home to help fund a down payment on a new house, first timers have to save from scratch. And this can be difficult when also facing hurdles like higher rent payments and student loan debt. But, like everything real-estate related, location matters. In fact, according to a new analysis, saving a down payment for an entry-level home is much easier in some locations than others. For example, after factoring the median household income among millennials and their estimated annual savings, the analysis determined that a first-time home buyer could save for a 20 percent down payment in under five years in 10 major cities, including Chicago, Dallas, Baltimore, St. Louis, Austin, and Washington DC. Of course, the time it takes to save a down payment is longer on the West Coast, where home prices are higher. But considering the fact that a 20 percent down payment is not a requirement, even in pricier areas saving up enough to buy a home is not an unattainable goal. More here.

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