Fall Forecast Sees Improvement On The Horizon

There are many different factors that play a role in the housing market’s health. When home buyers and sellers decide that its time for them to make a move everything from their job security to the global economy has an effect. For example, economic instability half way around the world can move mortgage rates, which will affect how much house you can afford. But what you can afford is also affected by how much you earn and how secure you feel in your job. In short, there’s a lot to keep an eye on. That’s why it can be helpful to tune into expert forecasts and opinions, since most of us don’t have the time or inclination to weigh all of the moving parts that determine what it’ll cost to buy the home of our dreams. So what are the experts saying about the upcoming fall market? Well, according to Freddie Mac’s most recent outlook, there may be reason for optimism. That’s because, though they say fall buyers will face many of the same challenges that held summer sales back, Freddie Mac chief economist Sam Khater says there is good news to be found. “The good news is that the economy and labor market are very healthy right now, and mortgage rates, after surging earlier this year, have stabilized in recent months,” Khater says. “These factors should continue to create solid buyer demand, and ultimately an uptick in sales, in most parts of the country in the months ahead.” More here.

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