Parker Scott Properties Weekend Guide

– A Christmas Tradition, November 23-December 24 2017
2-hour annual Christmas-themed, family-oriented performance at the Savannah Theatre, with shows available Tuesday-Sunday. Adults $37, children (under 18) $18. More details

– Savannah Harbor Holiday Series, November 24-December 24 2017
Family-friendly outdoor seasonal programming at the Westin Hotel on Hutchinson Island, with Gingerbread Village display in the hotel’s lobby. More details

– Holiday Sights Tour, November 24-December 24 2017
Old Town Trolley’s seasonal tour, which includes stops at the Davenport House Museum and the Westin Hotel’s Gingerbread Village on Hutchinson Island. Adults $28.50, children (4-12) $16. More details

– December Nights & Holiday Lights, November 25-December 24 2017
Self-guided walking tours of the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens’ annual holiday lights show, with more than a million lights. Admission is charged. Event does not run on rainy evenings. More details

– City Market Holiday Open House, December 1 2017
Holiday lights, caroling and evening opening at City Market. More details

– (Tybee Island) Lights On For Tybee, December 1 2017
Holiday celebration and tree-lighting ceremony at the Tybee Island roundabout, with music and refreshments. More details

– Christmas on the River, December 1-3 2017
Seasonal arts and crafts festival with music and other entertainment, including the annual Lighted Christmas Parade. Free event. More details

– City Market Christmas For Kids Celebration, December 2 2017
Child-oriented Christmas event at City Market, with visits to Santa, crafts, music and other entertainments. More details

– (Tybee Island) A Lighthouse Christmas, December 2, 9 and 16 2018
Special evening holiday event at the Tybee Island Lighthouse exploring the holiday traditions of Tybee’s lighthouse keepers in the 1930s and 1940s, with carols, cider, and the opportunity to climb the tower to see Tybee’s holiday lights from above. Adults $15, children (5-17) $10, young children free. Advance reservations are required, call 912-786-5801. More details

– (Tybee Island) Tybee Island Christmas Parade, December 2 2017
Holiday parade on Tybee Island, with visits to Santa. More details

– Oyster Roast for a Reason, December 2 2017
Fundraising oyster roast on Skidaway Island, to benefit the ongoing efforts to revive Georgia’s historic oyster farming industry. $50 per person. More details

Are Fewer Young Americans Buying Homes?

A newly released study from researchers at the University of Southern California looks at homeownership rates among young adults between the ages of 25 and 44. The study’s results show, among that age group, there’s been a 10 percent drop in the homeownership rate over the past 10 years.

But does that necessarily mean young Americans are no longer interested in owning their own home? Well, no. The researchers point to a number of factors that have contributed to the decline in homeownership among people of typical prime home-buying age. Among them, the foreclosure crisis looms large. Because the past 10 years includes the years following the housing crash and economic crisis, some of that decline is better explained by the day&#039;s economic conditions rather than a lack of desire to buy a house. And, in the years since, the recovery&#039;s slow pace and weakened job market have made buying a home a struggle for many young Americans.

More recently, home buyer demand has rebounded – as have home prices and the labor market. And, according to this particular study, so will the homeownership rate among young Americans, particularly if there&#039;s a continued rise in education and income levels. More here.

Tracking The Habits Of First-Time Home Buyers

First-time home buyers have always been an important demographic when tracking the housing market’s health. Whether or not younger Americans were buying homes, where they were buying, and in what numbers has been used to gauge trends and patterns that affect, not only first-time buyers, but everyone active in the real-estate market. Because of that, a new report from Genworth Financial analyzing first-time home buyer records back to 1994 is an important look at the who, what, where, and how of Americans buying their first home. Some of the highlights include the fact that first-time buyers bought more single-family homes during the first quarter of 2017 than during any other first quarter since 2005 and drove 85 percent of the housing market’s expansion from 2014 through 2016. In other words, the report found that there is currently a high level of demand among younger Americans. But it also found that many potential buyers have been unable to buy or have stayed out of the market due to misconceptions about what was required. Tian Liu, Genworth’s chief economist, says one of the main issues is the mistaken belief that a 20 percent down payment is required to buy. “By studying this group more closely, we hope to bring a better understanding about the many low down payment options available to help first-time home buyers reach homeownership sooner.” More here.

Housing Outlook Sees Strong Year Ahead

Though there is some uncertainty about how changing economic policies might affect the economy and housing market in the months to come, Fannie Mae’s most recent Economic and Housing Outlook from their Economic & Strategic Research Group sees continued improvement ahead. In short, improved consumer spending, a healthy labor market, and rising wages should continue to support economic growth. But what does this mean for the housing market and real estate this year? Well, according to Doug Duncan, Fannie Mae’s chief economist, the housing market should remain strong and build on last year’s performance. “We expect housing to remain resilient and continue its recovery in 2017, with affordability standing out as the industry’s greatest obstacle, particularly for first-time homeowners,” Duncan said. “Demographic factors, however, are positive. Our research shows that older Millennials have begun to buy homes and close the homeownership attainment gap with their predecessors.” An increasing number of younger buyers is good news for the market, as is the expected bump in new home construction. If the supply of homes for sale can keep up with buyer demand, a better balanced market may help alleviate affordability concerns and lead to favorable housing conditions in 2017. More here.

Survey Finds Americans In The Mood To Buy

There are an endless number of reasons you might decide to buy a home at any particular time in your life. Whether you just got a new job on the other side of town or are looking for a place closer to family, the motivation behind a move is usually very personal. But there are economic factors at play, as well. Your financial situation, optimism about the future, and perception of the market can also influence a decision to stay where you are or pack your belongings. Fannie Mae’s monthly Home Purchase Sentiment Index looks at how Americans are feeling about buying a home, the real estate market, and their personal economic outlook. In December, the overall index fell slightly from the month before, though the number of Americans who said they thought it was a good time to buy a house was up from November. Doug Duncan, Fannie Mae’s senior vice president and chief economist, says there’s been an increase in economic optimism recently but whether it carries through the rest of the year is uncertain. “A spike in economic optimism in the immediate aftermath of an election is typical,” Duncan said. “Whether consumers will sustain this level of optimism into 2017 remains unclear … If this optimism comes to fruition, it should translate into stronger income growth and increased job security for consumers – the two HPSI components that could help support housing sentiment this year.” More here.

Who Buys Vacation Homes And Where They Buy

Who Buys Vacation Homes And Where They Buy

Parker Scott Properties Who Buys Vacation Homes And Where They Buy
Parker Scott Properties
Who Buys Vacation Homes
And Where They Buy

Everyone, at one time or another, has dreamed of buying a vacation home. Whether it was just a temporary fantasy brought on by a particularly perfect trip or it was something more real, it’s hard not to think about the joys of owning a place in your favorite town or getaway spot. But who’s actually buying vacation homes and where are the most popular locations to have a house? Well, the National Association of Realtors collects that info each year as part of their Investment and Vacation Home Buyers Survey. This year’s results show that, among vacation home buyers, the South is the most popular area to buy. In fact, a full 47 percent of vacation homes bought last year were purchased in the South. The West came in second with 25 percent. Also, beach houses outpace all others, with sales more than doubling the number of homes purchased in the mountains, at a lake, or in the country. And who’s most likely to buy a vacation home? Not surprisingly, Lawrence Yun, NAR’s chief economist, says older buyers. “Baby boomers at or near retirement continue to propel the demand for second homes, although headwinds softened the overall volume of vacation sales last year,” Yun said. In 2015, the median household income of a vacation home buyer was $103,700 and the property they purchased was a median distance of 200 miles away from their primary home. More here.

Millennials Choosing Suburbs Over The City

Millennials Choosing Suburbs Over The City

Parker Scott Properties Millennials Choosing Suburbs Over The City
Parker Scott Properties
Millennials Choosing
Suburbs Over The City

While it’s true that – among demographic groups – there are more young people living in urban centers than any other age group, new research shows that 47 percent of millennial homeowners actually bought in the suburbs. The data, from the Zillow Group’s Consumer Housing Trends Report, shows that, despite conventional wisdom, there are many young Americans that are drawn to the suburbs because they can provide more space and a lower cost of living. But not only are there a larger than expected number of young Americans buying in the suburbs, there are a growing number of young Americans buying in general. “Millennials are shaping the market more than anyone realized,” Jeremy Wacksman, Zillow’s chief marketing officer, said. “In fact, half of all buyers are under 36 and half of sellers are under 41.” The long rumored return of first-time home buyers appears to have officially started and that’s good news for the housing market. But this time around things are a bit different. For example, today’s first-time buyer isn’t shopping for the typical “starter” home. The research shows that – perhaps because they’ve waited longer to buy their first home – younger Americans are buying homes that are nearly as large as the typical “move-up” home. More here.

The Difference Between Modern And Contemporary

The Difference Between Modern And Contemporary

Parker Scott Properties The Difference Between Modern And Contemporary House
Parker Scott Properties
The Difference Between Modern And Contemporary House

When shopping for a home to buy, there are some styles that are easy to identify. If you came across a listing for a Victorian home, for example, you’d likely know what to expect and whether or not you are attracted to that style’s brightly colored exteriors and elaborate ornamentation.

The difference between modern and contemporary homes, however, is less well understood. You may have even assumed the terms were interchangeable. In fact, modern architecture refers to a very specific style popularized in the first half of the 20th century. Known for its simple lines, flat roofs, and minimalist aesthetic, modern residential architecture became popular because it was a break from traditional home styles. Which, in a way, means it was the contemporary design of its day. That’s because, contemporary – in its most general sense – refers to the architecture and design of today. But, since that incorporates many styles that change over time, it is most often taken to mean whatever is the most innovative or forward-looking design of its day. In other words, a contemporary home can include hints of modern design but a modern home can no longer be considered contemporary because that refers to the homes of one particular period of history. More here.


“A lot of homeowners tend to tackle painting on their own, but keep in mind the most common mistakes made is not properly prepping before you paint.” Hicks said. “And a lot of times consumers underestimate the true work involved in prepping properly scrapping and getting the surface clean is really important to a lasting paint job. Also, keep in mind if you have a two story house and you don’t have the proper ladders it can be dangerous too.”.

While America has been involved in many dubious conflicts over its history, Vietnam is widely considered the nation’s greatest military blunder. In 1965, prime minister Lester B. Pearson even called for a cessation of bombing in North Vietnam, a move which is said to have angered president Lyndon B.

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[Update, Jan. 22: The developer would actually have to do both.] The zoning code caps the height of mixed use buildings in the area at 50 feet, but the firm has applied for a density bonus that would accommodate the 58 foot tall design. The project is fully parked, meaning there is at least one space cheap jerseys per unit, and there are 66 bike spaces included in the plan.”The project will benefit West Berkeley by providing a high quality infill development in keeping with the scale, texture and quality of the existing context,” Trachtenberg wrote in the application.

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