3rd Quarter Prices Show Rate Of Increase Slowing

Among all the factors that can help prospective home buyers get an idea of what a particular property will cost them, price is perhaps the easiest to gauge. Things like mortgage rates, potential maintenance and upkeep, property taxes, and insurance are all part of the equation but not as simple to measure as a home’s listed price. So it’s no shock that Americans who are thinking about buying a house in the near future are also thinking about where home prices are headed. That’s why new numbers from ATTOM Data Solutions offer buyers some good news. According to their Q3 2018 U.S. Home Sales Report, home prices only rose 1 percent in the third quarter and are now up 4.8 percent from last year. That’s the slowest price appreciation since 2016. The report found that price increases slowed in 74 of the 150 metro areas analyzed, including Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, and Miami. Despite the encouraging news, however, there are many markets where prices are still rising quickly. In fact, some metros continue to see double-digit gains year-over-year. More here.

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